Helpful Websites

General Information

  • National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization

    NHPCO is the oldest non-profit membership organization developed exclusively for advocacy in Hospice Care. Represented are hospice and palliative care programs from all across the United States. They are an excellent source of information regarding all aspects of end-of-life care.
  • The Hospice Foundation of America

    HFA offers comprehensive educational, care giving, and grief support resources for families and professionals. There are links to articles and live programming as well.
  • Pennsylvania Hospice Network

    This organization helps shape the future of hospice care in Pennsylvania and offers conferences and events. There is also link to a state-wide directory of hospice providers in our area.
  • Hospice Directory

    The Hospice Directory is a service started by the Hospice Foundation of America. They are a consumer website with a national database that helps people and communities connect to hospice providers and programs.
  • Hospice Net

    Hospice Net is dedicated to the unique needs of patients and families facing terminal illness. They are an excellent supportive resource. There is a special section devoted to children with guidance on helping them to cope with the difficulties of impending loss and grief.
  • Hospice Patients Alliance

    HPA offers advocacy and extensive educational material and articles covering all aspects of hospice care and bereavement. They serve patients, families, and care givers.
  • Partnership for Palliative Care

    The Partnership for Palliative Care is a resource for public education and advocacy that focuses on enhancing and promoting quality of life for anyone suffering with unmanaged symptoms from any disease process. They offer supportive advice for patients and caregivers.

Patient and Family Support

  • Caring Info

    CaringInfo is a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization that offers multiple resources to people who wish to make informed decisions about their healthcare before a crises as well as support during advancing illness. They offer information on Advanced Care Planning, care giving, and grief and loss.
  • Growth House

    Growth House is an international gateway to over 4,000 pages of educational materials about end-of-life, palliative care, hospice, and grief.
  • Family Caregiver Alliance

    The Family Caregiver Alliance supports and offers advice to people who are taking care of family members or loved ones enduring a chronic or disabling health condition. They offer a Family Care Navigator that connects people to programs and services nearest to them.
  • Americans for Better Care of the Dying

    Americans for Better Care of the Dying works toward promoting excellence in end-of-life care through education and reform. They offer a monthly news letter and links to helpful information.
  • We Honor Veterans

    This is a program offered by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Different hospice providers in our area participate in this program which extends respectful inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgement to help assist a veteran toward a more peaceful ending. This program is a 2015 Summit Award winner.

Advanced Care Planning

  • The Conversation Project

    The Conversation Project is a resource to help families begin talking about their end-of-life wishes in a way that helps dispel the fear and anxiety that often surrounds dying in our culture. They offer numerous resources and a starter kit to guide families through these intimate and deeply meaningful and healing conversations.
  • Aging with Dignity

    Aging with Dignity is a national non-profit organization with a mission to affirm and safeguard the human dignity of individuals as they age and to promote better care for those near the end of life.
  • Put It in Writing

    The American Hospital Association created this resource to encourage people to explore their options regarding the preparation of an advance directive. There are worksheets, tool kits, and legal information available to better understand this initiative.

Grief Support

  • Grief Net

    Grief Net in an internet community providing resources and connections for people healing from various types of losses. They offer resources and links to other supportive organizations dealing with bereavement.
  • Hospice Foundation of America

    The HFA provides articles and videos on grief and offers assistance with finding a support group.
  • National Alliance for Grieving Children

    This is a comprehensive informative site for understanding children’s grief and locating supportive local resources and literature.
  • The Dougy Center

    The Dougy Center is also known as The National Center for Grieving Children & Families. Their mission is to help children, teens, and young adults heal from the loss of a loved one. They offer on-site support but also provide articles, tip sheets, and podcasts.

Spiritual Care at End-of-Life

  • Dying Well

    This site is devoted to the work of Dr. Ira Byock, MD, a palliative care physician working to advance and enhance end-of-life care and conscious dying. He is past President of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
  • The Living-Dying Project

    Based on the work of Steven and Ondrea Levine this site explores meditative practices to compassionately support and be lovingly present to the dying process.
  • Spiritual Care Programme

    The Spiritual Care Programme is a non-denominational, international outreach that offers training and care for more mindful living and dying for healthcare workers or any one else interested in the mission.